Rabu, 23 April 2014

Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris : "Selfies Are More Dangerous Than You Think!"

Menyampaikan Speech  memang susah-susah gampang. Namun jika dilatih berulang kali pasti bisa. Sebaiknya naskah Speech jangan dihapal. Cukup ingat beberapa poin yang akan disampaikan yakni Addressing, Greetings, Opening, Body, Clossing kemudian Thanking. Berikut ini saya ingin share  salah satu naskah  Speech yang pernah saya sampaikan di UNPAS Senin, 21 April 2014.

"Selfies Are More Dangerous Than You Think!"

Dear Mr. Amin,
And all my friends..
I would like to thanks to you, for giving me a time to speak here.

Today, I’ve read  the story about Danny Bowman. The 19 years old teenager that  always spend 10 hours a day taking up  200 photos of himself on his iPhone. Then He dropped out of school, stay in his room for  six months to capture the perfect self-portrait. He want to be Leonardo Di Caprio on selfie picture, but he did not succeed.  And also worried of bullying experience.  Finally, he became so depressed that overdose selfie picture. So today I want to talk here about Selfies Are More Dangerous Than You Think!

Everyday, I scroll the my Facebook’s newsfeed. And I found  more than 50 selfies photograph.  Then I open my Instagram, again I saw more than 100 selfies picture every single day. The photograph showing various poses. Namely  “duck face”,  “Trick of Light”, “Perfect Body”, “Best Moment Background”, and “Selfie on The Mirror”.
Have you ever  seen “the duck face”?
 Duck face is popular expression in social media. They ussualy show their  pursed lips,  seems like a  duck face. This expression  is mostly done by teenagers. The goal is to impress the cute and adorable photos. If you have ever  seen the special lighting effect in photograph. This effect make the photos more bright and soft.  The trick of light effects  can make the images better and artistic. Most people who has dark skin  like to do this. “Perfect Body”, it is also often performed selfie  for a man who has muscle shape and six pack, or  women who want to show  off her breasts and bottom. If you likes to do it, becarefull. Selfie Pose in front of the mirror can observe posture and  the best  angel.  Most people do this at home or use a large mirror  in  public restrooms.

We can say this phenomenon,  Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD.
 BDD is since the rise of camera phones have a compulsion to repeatedly take selfies. Selfies "as a serious mental health problem". According to psychologist Salma Prabhu, The goal of Selfies is to show how great he is, but it could be aimed wants to be noticed. Selfie can turn someone into an ambitious person who has an unhealthy obsession.
According to psychiatrist Dr. David Veal,  Selfie  not a vanity issue. It's a mental health one which has an extremely high suicide rate. Technology addiction and Body Dysmorphic Disorder — a chronic mental health condition in which the sufferer obsesses over perceived flaws with their body.

Now let me show you,  how this  selfie-phenomenon contribute bad impact to the social life, base on case study and research.Based on research Academy Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American (AAFPRS),  Photo- selfie that encourage high interest of people to do plastic surgery. Because, they want to look perfect in every photograph. If it can be likened, plastic surgery is a ‘photoshop’  in the real world.  The survey involved 2,700 plastic surgeons who are members AAFPRS. Mostly, the patient looks reasonable to improve performance in social media.  In  2013,  a sharp nose demand  increase 10 percent. Meanwhile, hair transplants  increase  7 percent and demand  for  eyelid increased 6 percent. Besides selfie, bullying became one of the driving plastic surgery.  They want to look beautiful or handsome in front of the opponent's chat.
A study titled "Tagger's Delight? Disclosure and liking behaviour in Facebook: the effects of sharing photographs amongst multiple known social circles". From three business schools in Europe found that people who post more selfies have more shallow relationships with people. Professors asked 508 Facebook users with an average age of 24 to rank how close they felt to friends, coworkers and relatives who also happened to be on the site. Then, they compared that data to the number of selfies the test subjects had posted. The conclusion? :  "Increased frequency of sharing photographs of the self, regardless of the type of target sharing the photographs, is related to a decrease in intimacy in personal relationships”.
According to Birmingham Business School professor and lead author Dr. David Houghton, "People, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves. It's worth remembering that the information we post to our 'friends' on Facebook, actually gets viewed by lots of different categories of people: partners; friends; family; colleagues and acquaintances; and each group seems to take a different view of the information shared."

That in moderation, selfies are a feel-good and often creative way, particularly for teens, to chronicle their lives and emotions and express their personalities. But,  narcissistic on sefies  is  correlated with a decrease in the intimacy of personal relationships.
No more virtual bullying, no more Body Dysmorphic Disorder, no more the next  “Danny Bowman”.


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